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Music Corner


Monday, June 16, 2008

Operation: Disturbia

Well, this is it.

Why do I always feel that I could not trust people anymore?

I mean that some of my friends have crossed the line and involve my loved ones, my personal life, etc.

Seriously, I really can't stand people who gets on my nerves just because they find it funny.

Whatever it is, FUCK THAT SHIT!

I'm just so annoyed by some people that I will gladly play psychological games to them. Let those fuckers have a taste of their own medicine.

And yeah, one more thing.

Since the fucking when does playing soccer involves money?!

For fuck's sake, soccer IS A GAME AND WILL ALWAYS BE JUST A GAME!

Why do I need to pay for crappy miscellaneous fees?

Whatever it is, I vow that I am no longer involved in the team. EVER. FUCKING. AGAIN!

And yeah, another thing.

I am now feeling upset and angry.

So, If you DARE to cross the fucking line and involve my everything, you will be screwed. Until to the extreme that I'm gonna put MY foot in YOUR ass!!!

Alucard Yamada

P.S. I'm feeling not too well recently, so forgive my crudeness.

1 comment:

Arisa Gold said...

That is true, soccer is just a game. A fun game too, though i myself have never been in a team. Just wanted to say hi as well. Hope you are well, or if not, i hope that you are getting better, and will be in perfect health soon.