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Sunday, September 28, 2008

Mind is in Killer Mode

I purposely haven't written on my blog for a long time due to the sensitivity of the topic. So, continue to read at your own risk; this is my article, and therefore biased, without immediate evidence or proof.

You see, I began to search the country for Tokusatsu fans. At first, it was a success, having made new friends through a well-known forum that is diverse in many forms of Tokusatsu series.

The forum had accomplish many things, things that some of us are not allowed to be part of. Therefore, one of them by the name of "Altered Beast King" left the forum and went bust in 2007. I never heard from him ever since.

There was one time that the events of the forum went into HIATUS mode. It is due to the members having major examinations during that period. After that, they have decided to come up with a brilliant plan to show off how fucking elitist, or in a nicer way, how talented they are.

They have picked up very well. However, they have abandoned some of their faithful members in the forum. In so doing, I decided to gradually be far away from them bit by bit.

Here's a rhetorical question: Why did they kill the people that have made them successful?

It is because they want to "purify" the forum by bashing otakus, kicking them out of the production team. This forum do not deserved to be famous.

Even "Taxman" left. This clearly shows what the forum's intentions are. I will never again support them unless some of the ex-members return.

Why did I write this? I originally planned to expand my horizons, trying to find like-minded people in supporting my cause. Even during their HIATUS mode, I still decided to continue supporting them.

However, when they rebuild their empire, I was left out of it. I was not even considered to be a faithful member of their forum. Besides the emotional disgust, I received more when finding out about my personal life outside of the forum. I told them not to involve my personal matters into forum matters. Being disgusted but also deeply hurt, I voiced out my opinions as to why until now, I wasn't able to be part of something bigger. I was then insulted, humiliated, defeated and above all, killed on the very forum that I swore allegiance to, which was quite saddening and yet I still linked them through my youtube. Well, not anymore.

This is corruption and the new forum is nothing but their own corruption.

Alucard Yamada

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